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UPDATE 15.March 2022: SPYDER & RYKER community helps people of UKRAINE


Me - MartinTheVlogger, my family and few friends - we will be helping people of Ukraine that has decided to stay at their homeland and are fighting unfair battle for their country, for their families for their lives.

Help4: We will help to people at Zakarpatia again. Its more and more people coming to basic acomodation they have rebuild for them. So food and basic supplyies are needed. We will provide help after we collect enough money to get full car of food.

Help3: Familly of 5 is coming to Levice, my hometown,. Same story, we will help them settle and help with documents ad we will be paying for their rent till the moment they can take care of themselves.

Help 2: We have family of 4, so Mum, Grand Mum, and two boys 4 and 6 years old, on the way to Levice, my birthplace. We will help them settle down and support them, till they will be able to get on their own a little.

Update: They have found few friends down in Italy, so on Thursday they are leaving Slovakia,. We are very happy for them and also we are in touch with their husband in UA, so we see he is safe.

Help 1: We are helping now people at Zakarpatia region and once we will deliver everything they need for the moment, we will move to others... MartinTheVlogger will NOT STOP till the war is over!!!!


RAISED SINCE 28.February 2022, 20:00

7214,10,- Eur

+ ElektroLV has helped with Electronic Equipment with removing their profits

+ Lekáreň AEscULAP / Pharmacy has helped with Extra medicaments and equipment for free

+ Michal S. went on the 16 hour road to deliver the items and has supported us with gas bill (approx 150 Eur)


Already we have delivered / bought and will deliver in next few days items for 3235,98 Eur


However wants, I will send bills and invoices, just write to

You can help sending money to my accounts

Read below picture how the transparency will be done and what we are collecting the money for


Paypal - send it as friend to - yes i know, i was young - any currency

REVOLUT - to +421902944669 or @martind11 - any currecncy

Bank Account in EUR only: Tatra Banka

IBAN: SK02 1100 0000 0029 1195 7152


Bank Account in name of Martin Pohanka, Racianska 20/a, Bratislava, 83102, Slovakia

ALWAYS USE REFERENCE : Helping Ukraine - your name is optional.

Gallery from Second delivery of basic electric equipment

This time we have delivered thanks to you guys, electric goods that are worth 835,- Eur but realistically the value was over 1500 Eur. Thanx to friends in local electro shop for removing any profits and supporting us.

What was included? 150l Water warmer, coz there is no hot water, heaters for rooms, washing machine, kettles for tea or soup, as there is more than 50 people in the accommodation. Medicaments worth 1000 Eur and again same story as with electric equipment, big thanx to local pharmacy for giving us free samples and extra medicaments.

Gallery from first delivery

We have delivered goods at the border of Slovakia and Ukraine, where it was loaded to another car and moved over the borders. Fully packed VW Tiguan has made 8hour one way trip like a pro :) Now it is already with local administrative people at Zakarpatia who are rebuilding old camp so mums and kiddos can come from the war zone and stay at "safe" place.

I think I will never forget this picture. Two little ones, just like my kiddos, eating apple in Kyjev metro station while their homes being attacked. Its all wrong!!!

Ukraine is country next to mine and I know i am much closer to people that need help that most of you that follows me.

Now I am offering you the deal of century. However, Its NOT FOR YOUR bYke,

its for your soul for your humanity. If you can, we are collecting money for following items at first.

This is almost done: Our first support goes to famillies that has moved from Kyjev to West of Ukraine, and they are left in very very poor conditions. They miss basic things, so we are buying:

1 - Food in Cans and long lasting type of food

2 - Heaters 10x

3 - Bedsheets, towels 30x and 50x

4 - Heater for water 1x

5 - washing machine - used or new 1x

6 - toilets 4x

7 - Medicaments for flu and pain - more the better

8 - Detergents for washing and cleaning -

9 - warm cloths for kids and adults - 1000 Eur

I will be updating this article every day, with every penny every cent every euro donated with names.

I will be updating what we have bought, and also share pictures

I will be updating picture once we will deliver the goods.

For every single support I am very very very grateful.

Existing Budget and people / companies that has donated:

Andrea L from Swiss + 500,- Eur

Mark Robert H. Ltd + 130,44 Eur


Adilson J. + 300 Eur

Manuel S. + 982,70 Eur

Bob & Susie + 82,56 Eur

Marika K. Slovakia + 100 Eur

07.March 2020

Michal S. +200 Eur

Ted C. USA / N.C. + 40,48 Eur

Lekáreň AEscULAP / Pharmacy + Extra medicaments and equipment for free

ElektroLV + Help with Electric equipment with 0 profit on items

MartinTheVlogger companies + 195 Eur

Klaus H. + 10 Eur

04. March 2022

Michal S. + 200 Eur

Bernard D. + 100 Eur

Rainer M. + 100 Eur

03.March 2022

Lenka, Mato & Kubko + 50 Eur

Nelson G. Australia + 200 Eur

Guillermo A. Spain + 50 Eur

Christoph M. + 100 Eur


Ricky from RLS Exhaust + 256,44

Karsten B. +20 Eur

Heinz + 100 Eur

Dale V. + 42,73 Eur

Christine L. +51,29 Eur

Mike C. +85,48

Ed M. + 21,37

Third Eye Design + 19,87

Jakub K. & Familly + 200 Eur


Chris L. +100 Eur

Paul D. +19,04 Eur

Michael McV. +42,86

Roy M. + 25,61 Eur

Mrs. Holly Anne C. +57,36

Robert L. + 17,07

Uwe W. +50 Eur

Cheryl T + 80,42 Eur

Rob B. - Romania + 100 Eur

Daniel S. +50 Eur

Gerald P. + 50 Eur

Alain A. + 102,45 Eur

David V. + 17,03 Eur

Robert N. + 85,16 Eur

Corvin S. / Slava Ukaini + 100 Eur

Leonard L. + 170,32

Lamonster Garage + 212,90

Dave / FrogmanDave from SpyderLovers + 17,03 Eur

Keith S. + 78.49 Eur

Mehmet N. +100 Eur

Michal M. + 500 Eur


Tomas - MoMo + 500 Eur

Stefan B. + 100 Eur

MartinTheVlogger & his familly + 500 Eur

Total Budget collected so far: 7214.10,- Eur


About MartinTheVlogger I am crazy motorbike rider, who wants to travel the World with his bYke also known as "TheBeast" [BRP Can-Am Spyder F3s].

In my vlogs you will find interesting places, epic drone videos, crazy moments and lot of fun and relax atmosphere.

©MTV Manufacturing Contact me on Facebook or Instagram or or


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© MartinTheVlogger TradeMark that belongs to STAYVIDO.COM, s.r.o. with HQ at Ludanska Cesta 12, 93405 Levice, Slovakia VAT ID:SK2022870388

IBAN:SK65 1100 0000 0029 4114 0311

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